Bordering North Edmonton

Step into the backyard of Edmonton’s Capital Region and discover the hidden treasures of Sturgeon County. You will soon find that there is no shortage of things to see and do!

Throughout the year you can attend many annual events and celebrations from town wide garage sales to festivals. You can also enjoy farmers markets and u-pick berry farms.

Take a scenic Sunday drive or challenge yourself on one of the many golf courses in the area. If relaxation and nature are more your pace, then you can enjoy viewing a variety of wildlife and bird species in their natural habitat at area lakes and wilderness reserves.

You can also reflect on the rich cultural heritage of the communities in the County by visiting the many museums and cultural sites … the selection is endless when exploring Sturgeon County.

From Sturgeon County you are always on the doorstep of exploring the wonders of Kalyna Country on Hwy. 28.

Heading north out of Edmonton on Hwy 28a you will reach the Town of Gibbons where the highlight is the Goose Hummock Golf Resort. A first class golfing experience. Head west on Hwy 28 to Bon Accord and pick up some fresh fruit or flowers at Prairie Gardens. Continue on Hwy 28 west until it meets Hwy 642, venture to downtown Morinville where you can see the remarkable St. John Baptiste Church and park. Heading north on Hwy 2 turn east on Sec. Hwy 651 to reach the National Capital of French Murals, the Town of Legal. The Lily Lake Village Resort is located further east on Hwy 651. You will marvel at the grandeur of this European style resort. The buffets are exquisite and the rooms are elegant. Continue east on Sec. Hwy 651 till it meets Hwy 28 and head to Redwater to see the world’s largest Oil Derrick.